Opinions, views, and personal observations from the PTO crew.
July 30, 2012
A Bit Like Dressing A Home
There’s no macho way of saying this, but before becoming interested menswear, I was mostly interested in interior design. I…
October 19, 2011
Scrimp, Save, And Shop Slowly
In the past week, I’ve been reading The Craftsman by Richard Sennett, a wonderful book that Bruce Boyer recommended to me…
August 17, 2011
The Real Value Of Classic Men’s Style
Marisa Zupan recently expressed concern that men are losing touch with the real reason they should be getting dressed up:…
July 29, 2011
On Gay Talese & Limited Budgets
When we visited Gay Talese, Adam, Ben and I admired his home. It’s a beautiful multi-story townhouse in Manhattan. Mr….
November 30, 2009
Shopping Effectively Means Shopping Like My Mom
(me and my mom, 1981) My mom’s current (modest) salary, as a Junior College professor, is the most she’s made…
November 25, 2009
The Pop-Up Flea: Criticisms And Rejoinders
Earlier this week Giuseppe, the proprietor of An Affordable Wardrobe, wrote a thoughtful critique of ACL’s Pop-Up Flea, which took…
November 5, 2009
Crocs Are The Free Plan Of Footwear
In the blog Archinect, Mark Faulkner writes that Crocs, the nightmarishly ugly boating and gardening shoe for children, are “the…
November 3, 2009
Threadbared On The Sartorialist’s Photo “Pride In His Work”
Those structures of privilege or social realities that might mediate the encounter are nowhere accounted for. Instead, we are presented…