Q and Answer
February 17, 2011
Q And Answer: What Is Cocktail Attire?
Kyle writes: When one is instructed to wear cocktail attire, what is appropriate? Cocktail attire doesn’t have a strict definition…
February 9, 2011
Q And Answer: What’s The Difference Between Plaid, Tartan And Madras?
Michael asks: I have looked for an explanation of the difference (or relationship) between plaid, madras, and tartan. The results…
February 4, 2011
Q And Answer: Where Can I Find Size 34 Suits?
Andy Writes: Size 36 jackets don’t do it for me at all, I feel like a kid trying to look…
January 27, 2011
Q And Answer: Collar Stays
Yama asks: I’ve been getting frustrated with the plastic collar stays that come with most of my shirts. I see…
January 10, 2011
Q And Answer: What Rules Do You Break?
Kevin writes: I enjoy your posts on PTO, especially those that have to do with the rules and conventions of…
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: What Men’s Watch Should I Wear?
Trevor asks: Can you outline what kind of watches are appropriate for what occasions? Surely everything comes down to preference…
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: What To Wear To A Funeral?
DTC asks: Funerals often get mentioned as a slam against the black suit. However, what is appropriate wear for a…
January 4, 2011
Q And Answer: Why Are There Two Buttons On My Cuff?
Alejandro writes: What’s the deal with the extra button on shirt cuffs? I’d always assumed that it was so people…
December 23, 2010
Q And Answer: Converting European Sizes To American Sizes For Jackets And Pants
Ryan asks: Why in the hell are US sizes always exactly 10 under the Euro size. Is that totally arbitrary?…
November 23, 2010
Q And Answer: What Sweaters With What Shirts?
Jason asks: What are the rules re: sweaters and vnecks and wearing shirts underneath them again? V-necks = no collars….
November 19, 2010
Q And Answer: How Do I Remove Sweater Pilling?
Andrew asks: I have a couple of cashmere sweaters that I wear on a fairly regular basis. I’ve typically sent…
November 4, 2010
Q And Answer: Should You Get It At Ross?
Dieter asks: How do you feel about off-price stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross? Is it worth the effort?…
November 2, 2010
Q And Answer: What’s A Country Of Origin Worth?
Greg writes to ask: I was wondering if you could help with county of origin labels. Notably, is there a…
November 1, 2010
Q And Answer: Where Do I Put My Cell Phone?
Eric writes: I’m always in a quandary about what to do with my cell phone. Other sites say to never…
October 27, 2010
Q And Answer: Can I Wear A Bow Tie To A Wedding?
Maria asks: I will be attending a wedding fairly soon and was thinking of wearing a bow-tie instead of a…