Shell Cordovan
January 25, 2011
“My Bowtie Swagger Is More Along The Lines Of ‘Cordovan On My Feet / Brooks Bros On My Back.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_S8TgjZIDM “My bowtie swagger is more along the lines of ‘Cordovan on my feet / Brooks Bros on my back.”…
January 14, 2011
You Could Wear These Shoes Every Day For The Next Ten Years.
Those Hanover shell cordovan longwings I found (and sold) last week found a great home at Des’ place, as this…
November 24, 2010
It’s On EBay: Gieves & Hawkes Cordovan Wingtips (9UK)
They’re not for everyone, but I love Gieves’ unique broguing. Start at $350, Ends Sunday
May 15, 2010
It’s On EBay
Ralph Lauren “Gifford” Shell Cordovan Chukka Boot $299 Buy It Now (Retail $999)
May 14, 2010
Q And Answer: Pre-Owned Shoes
Aliotsy asks: Where do you draw the line on whether or not a pre-owned shoe is too worn to be…
April 26, 2010
It’s On EBay: Brooks Brothers Black Fleece (by Alden) Shell Cordovan Longwings (Sz. 11)
Starts at $499 (or Buy It Now $549.99), ends Sunday
April 3, 2010
It’s On EBay: Vintage Nettleton Shell Cordovan Longwings
The shell cordovan is easy to recognize – see how the leather rolls, rather than creasing? Shell is the leather…
December 30, 2009
Leather: A Cautionary Tale
I’ve been thinking about shoes, as we prepare to shoot the first episode of season one, which is about caring…