June 13, 2019
Thrashin’: The Case For One Sneaker All Summer Long
When you’re young, authenticity can be everything. Probably before Holden Caulfield whined about phonies, and certainly since, we judge people…
March 17, 2016
Ten Great Sneakers For Spring
Should we make this a tradition? Last year we rounded up ten great sneakers for spring, as warm weather calls…
April 9, 2014
Cheap Shoes That Age Well
Although I wouldn’t call it a “rule” for myself, when I can, I try to buy things that I think…
December 10, 2013
It’s On Sale: Superga Sneakers
Here’s another great sale. This one is at East Dane, where Superga sneakers have been put on discount. Really basic…
October 26, 2013
Lord & Taylor Sale
Lord & Taylor has a 25% off sale right now with the discount code FRIENDS. The code works on much of…
July 8, 2013
Five Sneakers For Summer
As much as I like leather hard-bottom shoes, summer is really a great time for sneakers. They go well with…
May 24, 2013
It’s On Sale: Superga Shoes
Oi Polloi is having a 20% off sale on Superga sneakers. The 1705 model, which you see above, is my…
April 7, 2013
Q & Answer: What Shoes Should I Bring On Vacation?
Ben writes: This May, my wife and I are honeymooning in Europe for two weeks. I know that I will…
February 19, 2013
It’s On Sale: Suprega Sneakers
Gilt has several canvas sneakers from Superga for $49 today, including two versions in white (plus another logo-less version for…
May 30, 2012
Casual Summer Footwear
Like most men of my generation, I rarely wear more “formal” clothes such as dark wool suits and black oxford…
August 11, 2011
It’s On Sale …
Overstock.com has a good sale on Supergas again. The classic whites are $31.50, but if you’re willing to go with…
May 28, 2011
It’s On Overstock.com
I like the fact that this post is going to reward people who spend their Friday nights at home surfing…
April 26, 2011
The Five Days Of Summer Series, Part II: Plimsolls
Let’s be honest – nothing beats the comfort of sneakers. That comfort comes in handy when you’re taking long strolls…
May 17, 2010
Sneakers For The Summer
dontflipout: I’ve never been a guy who’s really been big into sneakers. Ok, that’s a lie, as a kid I…