All Articles
February 18, 2015
Evolving Prep Expectations
I had a talk in Houston, and everyone wore pink and green. I showed up in khaki and navy and…
February 18, 2015
A Handy Fabric Reference Guide
Our reader Noah points us to a handy reference guide over at the website of Huddersfield Cloth (an English cloth…
February 17, 2015
I Asked Spike Lee What Air Jordan Sneaker He’d Choose If He Could Have Only One Pair
This week on my public radio show Bullseye with Jesse Thorn, I asked Spike Lee what Air Jordan sneaker he’d…
February 17, 2015
EBay Roundup
Like Jesse, I love Nigel Cabourn’s designs, but often wince at his prices. Luckily, some of his things wind up…
February 17, 2015
Our Beloved Sponsors
A big warm thanks to our sponsors this month, each of which have something new going on. Proper Cloth is…
February 17, 2015
Trading Places
Wait, what’s going on? Adidas just Common-Projects-fied their shoes by making an all white, minimalist version of their famous Rod…
February 16, 2015
Dealing With Salt Stains
The end of winter can be a real nightmare for leather shoes. When the snow is half-melted and slushy, it’s…
February 16, 2015
It’s On Sale: Pants And Socks
Dapper Classics is having a President’s Day sale, where you can take 25% off with the checkout code PREZ. The…
February 14, 2015
Could Anything Justify $400 For A Sweatshirt?
In the years I’ve been working on Put This On, I’ve learned to take a gentler stance towards clothing prices….
February 14, 2015
Men’s Desire To Be A Member Of The Group
Men’s desire to be a member of the group seems to be stronger than their desire to be individuals, and…
February 14, 2015
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of February 15th – February 21st
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
February 13, 2015
EBay Roundup
Between Jesse’s new auctions and some finds from our friend the RJcat, there are a ton of great items in…
February 12, 2015
The End Of Trends?
Cathy Horyn has an interesting piece in T Magazine about what she calls a “post-trend universe.” That is, where fashion…
February 12, 2015
Real People: Having A System
Having a system for how you get dressed sounds needlessly complicated, but it can also simplify a lot of your…