All Articles
April 3, 2013
It’s On Sale: Brooks Brothers Black Fleece Shirts
It’s rare you find an oxford-cloth button-down collar dress shirt in green these days, at least in the heavy fabric…
April 2, 2013
Q & Answer: If You Can Only Pick Three…
I received this question from Tumblr user “enjoynicethings” about where to start with pocket squares: Slowly coming around to the…
April 2, 2013
EBay Roundup
I’ve got a bunch of my own auctions up this week. Lots of ties, pocket squares, belts, and oxhorn collar…
April 1, 2013
It’s On Sales: Warm-Weather Shoes
Bloomingdale’s is having their Friends & Family Sale right now, where you can get 20% off almost all items with…
April 1, 2013
Is This An Orphaned Suit Jacket?
I recently received a couple of emails from readers asking if I thought something they were looking at on eBay…
April 1, 2013
Our Beloved Sponsors
Our big thanks to three companies for sponsoring our blog this month. Though we write our site out of a…
March 31, 2013
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of March 31st – April 6th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
March 30, 2013
Q & Answer: My Arms Are Long. Where Can I Buy Clothes?
Abe asks: My question to you is how to shop if you have long arms? In my case, I am…
March 29, 2013
It’s On Sale: Drake’s Neckwear
Exquisite Trimmings has a 20% off sale that applies to all of their items in their store – just use…
March 29, 2013
A Few More Bright Colors For Spring
A few more bright colors for spring, most in very limited quantities, thanks to vintage fabrics. All hand made in…
March 29, 2013
EBay Roundup
We have a number of particularly great items in today’s roundup, including this Anderson & Sheppard double breasted coat, Valstarino suede blouson,…
March 29, 2013
Summer Of White Tees Update
As you probably know, we’re in the midst of a group buy of Alternative Apparel white and heather gray t-shirts….
March 29, 2013
Q & Answer: My Pocket Square Makes My Lapel Bulge!
Gus asks: I have a recurring problem with my jackets: the left lapel bulges open when I put a pocket…
March 28, 2013
So I Made Pocket Squares
I was lucky enough to find a small stash of this gorgeous, slubby old Indian silk, so I made pocket…
March 28, 2013
London Fog: The Thrifty Trench (and Mac) Coat
Since spring technically started a week ago, that means it’s time to transition away from heavy wool overcoats toward coats…