All Articles
August 11, 2012
It Is Totally Impossible To Be Well-dressed In Cheap Shoes
It is totally impossible to be well-dressed in cheap shoes. Hardy Amies
August 10, 2012
EBay Round Up
Our friend Giuseppe at An Affordable Wardrobe has a bunch of new four-in-hand neckties and bow ties for sale. We encourage…
August 9, 2012
Weaving Life: A Wonderful Documentary On Ecuador’s “Panama Hat”
Weaving Life: A wonderful documentary on Ecuador’s “Panama hat”
August 9, 2012
Summer 1930s, Summer Today
Although I’m not usually one to trot out Apparel Arts illustrations and harp on the timelessness of classic men’s style,…
August 8, 2012
MaxFun London Meetup
jessethorn: Join me, Jordan Morris, and International Waters producer Colin Anderson for dinner and/or drinks at the Phoenix Artists’ Club…
August 8, 2012
This Fits: “Where Today’s Claimants To Sprezzatura Miss The Mark, In My Own…
This Fits: “Where today’s claimants to sprezzatura miss the mark, in my own… “Where today’s claimants to sprezzatura miss the…
August 8, 2012
Berg And Berg Summer Sale
Berg and Berg is having their end-of-the-season sale. 40% off ties, scarves, pocket squares, and socks. I’m probably most excited…
August 8, 2012
PTO Gentlemen’s Association Member Hayes
Gentlemen, I have been an Association member almost from the beginning, only missing the first square. So far, all of…
August 8, 2012
How To Wear A White Dress Shirt
M. Anton, author of The Suit, recently wrote an interesting post at StyleForum about how to properly wear a white…
August 7, 2012
Leffot Summer Sale
Leffot’s summer sale is in its final stretch, and there are a number of items by Alden, Alfred Sargent, Borsalino,…
August 7, 2012
EBay Roundup
Despite not being a motorcyclist, or having any tough-guy credentials whatsoever (well, besides being a blogger), I’ve become a really…
August 7, 2012
Ben Silver Warehouse Sale
Ben Silver just put their warehouse sale online. Ties are available for $67.50, pocket squares for $21.25, and shetland sweaters…
August 6, 2012
The Navy Sport Coat Of Shoes
There’s no style of footwear more underrated or versatile than the dark brown derby. Derbys are shoes that have their…
August 6, 2012
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of August 6th – August 12th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week. If you’re a member of the Inside Track, click through,…