April 21, 2011
The Trouble With Conan’s Suits
I’ve really loved watching the new Conan show on TBS. O’Brien himself is a brilliant comic mind, they’ve booked funny…
April 21, 2011
Josh Writes To Inform Us
Josh writes to inform us that his passion for Put This On led to him being featured in the New…
April 21, 2011
Alan Flusser On Dressing Well
Alan Flusser on Dressing Well Speaking of Will and A Suitable Wardrobe, on the latest episode of his podcast, Will…
April 21, 2011
Q And Answer: Of Breasts And Lapel Holes
DT asks: Why do peak lapels sometimes have a hole stitched into both lapels? Why is this never (rarely?) seen…
April 20, 2011
Today, Ray Romano told me that because I am balding and dress like an old man, I will age well….
April 20, 2011
Q And Answer: What Color Should My Briefcase Be?
Charlie asks: I’m getting close to the end of my grad school years and am looking to hang up my…
April 20, 2011
It’s On EBay: New & Lingwood Wallet
If you put in a little effort, you can get something wonderful for the price of something passable. Buy It…
April 20, 2011
My Brother-in-law Daniel
Over the holiday, my wife and I fretted over what to buy for my brother-in-law Daniel, who’s 18 and a…
April 20, 2011
It’s On EBay: Vintage McGregor Drizzler Jacket (Size 44)
The Drizzler is actually the model that James Dean wears in Rebel Without A Cause. It’s spring jacket time, and…
April 19, 2011
Thanks to the dozens of folks who came to our Put This On meetup in Chicago. A wonderful collection of…
April 19, 2011
Controversy Is Brewing In The UK Over Outfits
Controversy is brewing in the UK over outfits. Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a press release, announcing that he…
April 14, 2011
Bobbito Garcia Aka DJ Cucumber Slice Visits The Home Of Biz Markie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70xUmwFG8CE I may have posted this before, but it remains one of my favorite things ever. Street basketball and hip-hop…
April 13, 2011
The Key To Ironing Was Putting The Thing You Want Flat Under The Iron
I jokingly remarked on Twitter earlier today that the key to ironing was putting the thing you want flat under…
April 13, 2011
I’m Headed Mid-Westward
I’m headed Mid-Westward. If you’re in Chicago, Ann Arbor or environs, be there or be square! Wednesday, April 13th –…
April 12, 2011
The AV Club Interviews Me About My 10,000 Jobs In Advance Of My Chicago Shows. Read It!
The AV Club interviews me about my 10,000 jobs in advance of my Chicago shows. Read it!