February 5, 2012
Transparency In Fashion
The Financial Times published an interesting article last week on a new online retailer that is taking a strong stance…
February 4, 2012
Interested In Contributing To Put This On?
If you’re interested in contributing to Put This On, either on an occasional or continuing basis, drop us a line….
February 4, 2012
Royal King And Loyal Subject
It takes nine tailors to make a man. Royal King and Loyal Subject by John Heywood
February 3, 2012
EBay Round Up
Although it’s well outside of most people’s financial means, that gentleman’s travel case is something to behold. Go check it out. We…
February 2, 2012
Quarter For Your Thoughts
One of the most important areas to pay attention to when examining the fit of a suit or sport coat…
February 2, 2012
voxsart: Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, Washington, D.C. I’m inclined to call their style “unimpeachable.”
February 2, 2012
Bill Cunningham Jacket
edwinhu: That Bill Cunningham jacket by Beams+. What could better celebrate the most democratic (only democratic?) man in fashion than…
February 1, 2012
Avoiding Buyer’s Regret
When you’re shopping for clothes, there are probably a dozen or more variables to consider before you make a purchase….
February 1, 2012
Our London Team
A nice guy at Richmond Park asked “do you mind if I take a picture of the photographers in the…
February 1, 2012
You F*ckers, I’m Back
It’s 5 AM in Los Angeles, but I’m up and at ‘em, thanks to the effects of jetlag. I’m finally…
February 1, 2012
Molloy & Sons Have Gotten Some Stock Together For Retail Sale
Just saw a note over on StyleForum that our friends Kieran & Shaun Molloy at Molloy & Sons have gotten…
February 1, 2012
Roundup Of “30 Must-See Tumblr Blogs!”
Our thanks to Time’s NewsFeed for including us in their roundup of “30 Must-See Tumblr Blogs!” As producers Jesse Thorn…
January 31, 2012
EBay Round Up
Check out these eBay auctions Jesse and I found. I personally like the Smythson travel photo frames, Cucinelli quarter zip, and Brooks…
January 30, 2012
Dealing With Bad Weather
Every year starts off with a few months of bad weather. First there is snow, then the snow turns to…