April 5, 2019
A hat from the Band of Outsiders. If you’re looking in the mirror, wondering to yourself, “can I pull this…
December 6, 2018
Ivy Workwear Style Via Princeton University’s Beer Jackets
Members of the Princeton class of 1948. Note the white work jackets. A classic Seinfeld bit on helmets goes like…
October 31, 2018
Can Ralph Lauren Bring Back Prep?
Eighty years ago, it was possible for a man to buy the right wardrobe and be assured that he’d remain…
January 30, 2015
The Science Of Styling: Beams Japan
Large Japan-based retailer Beams has a constantly updated “outfit of the day” photostream on flickr. When I first stumbled on…
November 19, 2013
Shopping Japan
Although, technically, legal trade between the United States and Japan has been going on since the 1850s, and Americans and…
January 14, 2013
It’s On Sale: Unionmade Goods
The San Francisco-based store, Unionmade, started their semi-annual sale today and one of the most notable things are the wide…