August 5, 2019
What You Can Really Afford: A Decent Belt
I love wearing things into the ground. Like many guys, I repair my jeans (or pay someone more qualified to…
February 12, 2018
Q & Answer: Office Appropriate Backpacks?
Kai writes: I’ve been using briefcases for years now, and I have a really nice one from Linjer. Unfortunately age (or…
May 1, 2017
It’s On Sale: Filson Bags And More At Need Supply
Need Supply is currently offering 25% some of their selection of casual men’s clothing, which is a nice mix of…
August 31, 2016
Style & Fashion Drawings: Heibon Punch Vs Silverlake
I’ve been re-reading Ametora, trying to imitate the illustration styles of some of the artists important to Ivy history….
April 11, 2016
It’s On Sale: Filson Bags Here And There
When cultural anthropologists are curating the material history of 21st century menswear, the first display in the museum exhibit will…
July 15, 2015
It’s On Sale: Steven Alan Sample Sale
Steven Alan remains one of the coolest American retailers online, even though most of what they sell is their decent…
March 25, 2015
Q & Answer: Keeping Your EDC Stuff Organized
Mike emails to ask: Not sure this has to do much with style, but I’m looking to purchase some kind of…
March 6, 2015
Don’t Be Satisfied With The Present
Bellamy Hunt is camera obsessed. Fortunately, he lives in Japan, where fellow obsessives are many, and the cameras they obsess…
October 20, 2014
It’s On Sale: Filson At The Clymb
Speaking of Americana, Seattle’s best outerwear and soft luggage maker Filson is significantly discounted at flash sale outdoor gear the…
September 6, 2014
It’s On Sale: More Filson At STP
Earlier this week, we posted about the new stuff flowing into Sierra Trading Post from Filson. A few new cool…
August 31, 2014
It’s On Sale: Filson Stuff
Sierra Trading Post just received a large shipment of new Filson items. Included are some of Filson’s bags, which are…
June 20, 2014
It’s On Sale: Fall/winter Stuff At Steven Alan
With many retail stores already discounting spring/summer apparel (summer doesn’t even START until tomorrow), it’s a good time to find…
December 30, 2013
It’s On Sale: Filson Products
Filson has a 50% off sale going on right now. Their apparel typically fits a bit full, but they recently…
September 25, 2013
Barbour Alternatives
Although they’ve become a bit trendy in the last few years, I think there are few better coats for fall…
August 5, 2013
It’s On Sale: Ralph Lauren Canvas Briefcase
Lord & Taylor is offering 15% off regular and sale items, and 20% off clearance items, with the checkout code…