It’s On Sale
June 26, 2014
It’s On Sale: Hydrogen-1 Sneakers
Hydrogen-1 just started their summer sale. The build quality on these is excellent, and easily just as nice as any…
June 23, 2014
It’s On Sale: (Almost) Everything At Need Supply
Want those on-sale Aldens that Pete talked about yesterday? Well, they’re available at Need Supply, where you can take 20% off…
June 22, 2014
It’s On Sale: Private Sale At Unionmade
One of my favorite shops just put much of its stock on sale for 40% off. Use “FIRSTDIBS” at checkout…
June 20, 2014
It’s On Sale: Jeans And Things Related
Two denim sales worth noting: The first one is at Self Edge, where you can take 14% off your order…
June 20, 2014
It’s On Sale: Fall/winter Stuff At Steven Alan
With many retail stores already discounting spring/summer apparel (summer doesn’t even START until tomorrow), it’s a good time to find…
June 17, 2014
It’s On Sale: Minimalist Sneakers
Minimalist sneakers from National Standard are on sale at Ikkon. Prices start at $106, but most clock in around $140…
June 16, 2014
It’s On Sale: Stuff At Mr. Porter And Bench & Loom
Two great sales going on at the moment. One at Mr. Porter; the other at Bench & Loom. Mr. Porter: Arguably…
June 15, 2014
It’s On Sale: Panta’s Pantalones
Some of my first truly, truly nice pants were from Panta. I bought them when Ed just started the company…
June 13, 2014
It’s On Sale: Carmina Shoes
Gentlemen’s Footwear has a hidden clearance page for some of their “last pairs” in Carmina shoes. I’m not exactly sure what constitutes a “last…
June 10, 2014
Denim Therapy On Groupon
Groupon has a deal right now for 50% off on Denim Therapy credits. You can buy $40 in store credit…
June 6, 2014
It’s On Sale: Merz B. Schwanen Socks
I’m pretty content with my grey cotton tube socks from Hanes. They’re cheap, stay up on my leg, and go…
June 3, 2014
It’s (Going To Be) On Sale: Stuff At Sid Mashburn
Sid Mashburn is holding their first ever warehouse sale. They’re apparently moving their warehouse and are hoping to offload some…
June 3, 2014
It’s On Sale: A Few Things I Like At Mr. Porter
In honor of Mr. Porter’s spring sale, a few things I found there that I think are cool: Levi’s Vintage…
June 2, 2014
T’s On Sale: Mr. Porter
Mr. Porter’s sale is always a highlight of the sales season, with prices starting at 30-50% off and going down…
June 1, 2014
It’s On Sale: Outerwear At Denim Bar
Denim Bar is having a 40% off sale on outerwear. Included are raincoats from Stutterheim, a relatively new label out…