April 27, 2015
His Favorite Color Is Black Flag
Some people argue that Black Flag peaked before they ever released a full length album, that the raw energy of…
October 6, 2014
Awesome Interview With Malcolm McLaren
Gary Warnett of Gwarizm digs up an awesome interview with Malcolm McLaren, who drops some serious knowledge in a one-hour history…
August 14, 2014
Vaughn Monroe–“Black Denim Trousers”
Since I heard it in a BBC documentary about Mods and Rockers, I’ve been enjoying this Lieber-Stoller rock’n’roll song, sung…
June 13, 2014
What Is taste, Anyway?
Carl Wilson is a music journalist, and when he was offered a chance to write an entire book about one…
July 25, 2013
Songs Of Tailors
I mentioned yesterday how I’m working my way through Thomas Girtin’s Nothing but the Best, a book about the history…
June 12, 2013
“Blue Serge Suit” By Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
“Blue Serge Suit” by Cab Calloway & His Orchestra As a follow-up to that video we posted – the one…
October 27, 2012
White Bucks And Saddle Shoes
White bucks and saddle shoes That’s what the kids all choose Chinos and slacks of course Oh, yes, they sure…
July 15, 2012
PTO Man: Ian Bruce
Excerpted from S2E3 of Put This On: “(New) Traditions” Ian Bruce, painter and member of The Correspondents, on how an…
June 30, 2012
“Where Did You Get That Hat?”
“Where did you get that hat? Where did you get that tile? Isn’t it a nobby one, and just the…
December 19, 2011
“Shoppin’ For Clothes” By The Coasters
This Leiber & Stoller tune was written in the mid-1950s after Billy Guy from The Coasters heard “Clothes Line” by Boogaloo and His…
November 5, 2009
Junk Culture “West Coast” As Featured In Put This On, Episode 1
Just a simple note of gratitude for friend of the show Deepak Mantena and his solo venture Junk Culture, whose…