October 4, 2018
Take Me In And Dry The Rain: Weather-proofing Your Leather Shoes
Have you ever marched 10 miles with cold, wet feet? “The ‘poor bloody infantry’ have had to trust their feet…
July 9, 2015
A Fisherman’s Approach To Shoe Care
Workwear has been en vogue now for over a decade, and its rise in popularity is deeply tied to our…
June 9, 2014
Rugged Belts For Jeans
There’s probably a theory about why a guy my size would like such rugged belts (overcompensating for something, perhaps?), but…
October 16, 2013
The Beauty Of A Naturally Aged Leather Belt
I’ve been wanting an undyed leather to be to wear with jeans for a while now. Something thick, heavy, and…
September 19, 2013
The Wallet I Use With Jeans
Since my post on henleys yesterday, a few readers emailed me asking for details on the leather wallet shown in…
July 1, 2013
Q And Answer: What Shoe Care Products Should You Consider (Part One)
Lookyoungspeakold writes us to ask: I just watched the PTO episode on shoes and am now working on picking up some…
March 7, 2013
Make Your Own Rain Boots
With spring showers only a month away, it’s worth thinking about what kind of footwear one might need when the…
September 3, 2012
How To Take Care Of Rugged Boots
I spent yesterday’s afternoon cleaning and preparing my field boots for use this fall. Rugged boots, such as those designed…
December 16, 2009
Q And Answer: Paul Got Some New Boots And Asks:
I just got a new pair of “vintage” work boots and I’m wondering how I should go about maintaining them….