All Articles
February 22, 2013
Paul F. Tompkins Is One Of The Funniest Men In The World
Paul F. Tompkins is one of the funniest men in the world. About five minutes into his now 15-year-old special…
February 22, 2013
Real People: Nearly Solid Shirt
One of the things I’ve noticed about my wardrobe is that all my solid shirts are absolutely solid and all…
February 22, 2013
EBay Roundup
Our roundup today has been put together thanks to Jesse and the RJcat. If you don’t see anything here that’s…
February 22, 2013
The Onion: Johnny Depp Now Completely Made Of Scarves & Bracelets
The Onion: Johnny Depp Now Completely Made of Scarves & Bracelets
February 22, 2013
A Cheap Iron
A year or two ago, I got inspired to up my ironing game. I read some iron reviews and bought…
February 21, 2013
A Good Iron
A good iron is worth investing in. I recently bought a Rowenta DW8080, and whereas my old iron took out…
February 21, 2013
Unsolicited Endorsement: Lands’ End Crew Socks
When I’m wearing sneakers, I prefer not to wear white socks. Sure, I’ll wear Costco Champion athletic socks for actual…
February 21, 2013
It’s On Sale: Lands’ End
If you’re looking for affordable basics, then it’s always best to wait until Lands’ End has their sales. Their current…
February 20, 2013
Maintenance And Care For Your Shaving Brush
For Christmas I received a brand new shaving brush from my parents and the first thing I did was purchase…
February 20, 2013
The Most Basic Ties
Like any part of a good wardrobe, building the right collection of neckties requires some forethought and planning. There are…
February 20, 2013
Where Did Cosby Sweaters Come From?
Where did Cosby sweaters come from? This spectacularly charming designer from The Hague, as it turns out. (Thanks, Ben!) (Source:…
February 19, 2013
The Verge Published An Interview With Me Today
The Verge published an interview with me today. I talked with them about unplugging from my smartphone and why today’s…
February 19, 2013
If The Shoe Fits, The Foot Is Forgotten
If the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. Chuang Tzu, a 4th century Chinese philosopher who presumably was talking about something…
February 19, 2013
Blazer Buttons – Classics Found At Cable Car Clothiers San Francisco
abitofcolor: Blazer Buttons – Classics found at Cable Car Clothiers San Francisco. There are a million choices when it comes…
February 19, 2013
It’s On Sale: Suprega Sneakers
Gilt has several canvas sneakers from Superga for $49 today, including two versions in white (plus another logo-less version for…