July 27, 2021
Dressing For The Job You Want With Jeopardy!’s Buzzy Cohen
The cliche goes “dress for the job you want,” but what if the job you want is hosting the greatest…
May 18, 2021
J. Crew Taps Brendon Babenzien As Creative Director
We haven’t had a lot of good news about J. Crew recently — since they declared bankruptcy early-ish in the…
March 25, 2021
The Next Chapter For Hertling Trousers: From Brooklyn To Fall River
When you think of American manufacturing, do you hear the warm tones of Bob Seger classically rocking out? Marketing tends…
February 16, 2021
Yeah, Nah: More Observations From Dick Carroll
I love the thoughtful everydayness of Put This On’s Style and Fashion Drawings series, currently written and illustrated by artists…
January 21, 2021
Real People: Keeping The Basics Interesting
In a clip on her Netflix series “Pretend It’s a City,” writer (and proud Anderson and Sheppard customer) Fran Lebowitz is…
December 18, 2020
Hood-Cost Analysis: Hooded Sweatshirt Roundup
Derek wrote a great post this week about different approaches to our new normal of dressing — balancing comfort and…
December 11, 2020
What It Feels Like To Try Something On: I Miss Shopping
Men don’t often like to admit we enjoy shopping. Our reluctance is one of the reasons many men’s stores soft…
November 12, 2020
Counterculture And Corduroy: Late 60s Campus Style In Getting Straight
What we call Ivy style — trim but natural shouldered tailoring, no-break flat-front khakis, OCBDs, shetland sweaters, loafers, etc. —…
November 3, 2020
It’s On Sale: Brooks Brothers OCBDs For $69
Nice. I’m not going to parse this one for meaning, just relay it: Brooks Brothers’ oxfords, which are quite nice…
October 15, 2020
Pandemic-Era Dressing Putting The Squeeze On Wool Supply Chain
A vacant storefront where there used to be a Men’s Wearhouse, Brooks Brothers, or J. Crew will be the most…
October 13, 2020
Comfort Zone: My Favorite Clothes This Fall Are Vintage, And Vintage Me
For a guy with a closet full of clothes that call back to college campuses 60 years ago, I’m relatively…
September 14, 2020
Taking Ivy: Kamakura Shirts Closing U.S. Store
Japan-based shirtmaker Kamakura Shirts, a cult favorite among Ivy-style fans, has announced that its New York store and American webstore…
September 10, 2020
Century 21 In Bankruptcy, Plans To Close Stores
An insider’s favorite discount chain, Century 21, announced today they are filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and will close all…
September 3, 2020
Mesh And Friends: Athletic Shorts For Everyday Wear
The line between what I find unacceptably sloppy and appealingly casual is not a straight line. It’s winding and blurry;…
August 13, 2020
The Next Brooks Brothers Sale? Same Group That Bought Barneys Bidding For Brooks
Brooks Brothers may have a future, but it’s likely not OCBDs and Aldens in every mall in America. The past…