March 12, 2015
Does Your Leather Jacket Wear You?
After Derek wrote about vintage leathers yesterday, we joked about dressing appropriately for your personality–that is, what if you look…
March 11, 2015
“The Roll Of The Collar Is The Most Important Thing”
From Ivy Style, here’s a nice excerpt from an 1983 issue of Esquire, in which John Berendt opines about the button…
March 11, 2015
Want An Affordable Leather Jacket? Go Vintage
Every once in a while, we’ll get an email from a reader asking where can they score a leather jacket…
March 10, 2015
Update: After Inquiries To Campanile, These Ain’t Shell Cordovan.
Update: After inquiries to Campanile, these ain’t shell cordovan. What a bummer. Per Aliotsy: “Although they refer to this leather on…
March 10, 2015
EBay Roundup
We found some great shoes on eBay over the weekend, such as these Edward Green oxfords, black Simpson of Piccadilly boots, and Ralph…
March 10, 2015
Seattle’s Jack Straw Opens Online
“In America the distance between wanting something and having it delivered to your living room is not terribly great.” -Gary…
March 9, 2015
It’s On Sale: Chester Mox’s Leather Goods
It’s been an eventful year for Chester Mox. Bellanie – who co-owns the company with her husband – recently graduated…
March 9, 2015
The Denim Dress Shirt
Dress shirt fabrics are pretty straightforward. Most are plain weaves, twills, and oxfords. Some are end-on-ends. In solid colors and…
March 9, 2015
Don’t Dress For The Job You Have…
Kenji Hall explores the carefully preserved world of yuru-kyara, the nonsports mascots of Japan, where every organization seems to employ…
March 7, 2015
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of March 8th – March 14th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
March 7, 2015
Savile Row, 1957
My friend CrimsonSox found some wonderful images of H. Huntsman & Sons in 1957. Notice how all the tailors are…
March 6, 2015
The Rise Of Sneaker Culture Exhibit
The Brooklyn Museum will have an exhibit this summer on the rise of sneaker culture. The exhibit will look at look…
March 6, 2015
How Army Jackets Became A Civilian Staple
The New York Times Magazine has a nice article today about how army jackets became civilian staples. An excerpt: But…
March 6, 2015
EBay Roundup
It’s Spring Training, and thanks to Jesse, this week’s roundup features a pile of vintage baseball-related items. There are also…
March 6, 2015
Don’t Be Satisfied With The Present
Bellamy Hunt is camera obsessed. Fortunately, he lives in Japan, where fellow obsessives are many, and the cameras they obsess…