Current Events
May 17, 2017
Boots With An Edge: The Side Zip
We generally stick to the classics here at Put This On, but side zips aren’t terribly hard to wear. And…
May 12, 2017
Decline Of J. Crew And Branded Fashion
Two weeks ago, Pete linked to Joshua Rothman’s New Yorker article about the decline of J. Crew. This morning, Rothman…
May 10, 2017
Stop Wearing Tan Shoes With Dark Suits
We try to be fair-minded here at Put This On, but style is subjective and sometimes a style blog needs…
May 8, 2017
How To Beat The Endowment Effect
If you’re anything like me, you probably have a bunch of clothes in the closet that you love, but rarely…
May 4, 2017
Why Don’t People Want To Wear J. Crew Anymore?
It’s no secret that at Put This On, we like J. Crew. Broadly available and not a huge reach, price-wise,…
May 3, 2017
Silk Jackets: Not Just For Sleazeballs
Silk isn’t something you’d normally imagine for sport coats. Most us wear wool, linen, and cotton for our jackets, then…
April 26, 2017
Good Morning, My Sweet Prints
Long time readers know how much I love oxford-cloth button-downs. Particularly in light blue, which I find to be more…
April 25, 2017
Frank Muytjens Exiting J. Crew
Business of Fashion reports that J. Crew cut 250 jobs today. Incredibly, one of the people exiting is their head…
April 24, 2017
Easily Suede: The Softer Leather Jacket
The best clothes are often just as much about how the make you feel as how they make you look….
April 21, 2017
Patagonia Goes Online With Recycling
Here’s something awesome. Patagonia just put up a website for their in-house recycling program, called Worn Wear. The program itself…
April 19, 2017
The Laziest Shoes Money Can Buy: Penny Loafers For Spring
Writer George Plimpton was many things, including an occasional actor. Among his credits was a stint as an extra in…
April 16, 2017
Bill Cunningham, Easter Sunday
Some great, previously unpublished photos by Bill Cunningham in The New York Times today. All from the past six years of…
April 12, 2017
Ten Things I’m Excited About This Spring
It’s easy to get down on spring clothes. They don’t have the natural appeal of fall/ winter wardrobes – no…