February 26, 2013
It’s On Sale: Drake’s Of London
The clearance sale at Drake’s ends on Thursday and it’s worth taking a look over what remains in stock (I…
January 15, 2013
Drake’s End-of-season Sale Has Started
Drake’s end-of-season sale has started. Note that VAT will be deducted at checkout for non-EU customers.
December 19, 2012
It’s On Sale: Drake’s Shirts And Ties
Urban Daddy has some pretty good deals on Drake’s shirts and ties (including a bunch of grenadines). Unfortunately, the navy…
December 19, 2012
The Wool Herringbone
I remember having this mid-grey, wool herringbone tie by Thom Browne when I was in my mid-20s. It was lightly…
December 12, 2012
Consider The Silk Scarf
If you’re wearing a wool coat this winter, consider pairing it with a silk scarf. Silk scarves aren’t as versatile…
December 11, 2012
Drake’s Factory Outlet Pop Up Shop
For our readers in New York City, Drake’s will be holding a factory outlet pop up shop at C’H’C’M’ for the…
December 6, 2012
December Fair Isle
December is one of the last months you can best wear Fair Isle. They’re not holiday sweaters, but there’s something…
November 28, 2012
The Most Versatile Knit Tie
Jake over at Wax Wane already wrote about black silk knit ties this week, but I thought I’d give them another plug…
November 26, 2012
We Got It For Free: The Tie Bar’s Grenafaux
The Tie Bar recently released a line of solid-colored, textures silk neckties that vaguely resemble grenadines. These aren’t true grenadines;…
November 19, 2012
Thoughts On Buying Good Sweaters
The best time to purchase sweaters is at the end of the season, when the fall/ winter stock gets discounted…
November 7, 2012
Rugby’s Brushed Shetlands
Ralph Lauren announced last week that they plan to discontinue Rugby after this season. I admit many of Rugby’s offerings were a…
October 1, 2012
Shawl Collar Cardigans
As legend has it, the original cardigan was invented for Lieutenant General James Brudenell, the Seventh Earl of Cardigan. He…
September 12, 2012
Buy Quality, Well-fitted Clothing.
Good advice from Drake’s blog: THE TRUE AND ORIGINAL, AUTHENTIC SUPER-BEST AND ONLY DIET PLAN YOU’LL EVER NEED: Buy quality, well-fitted…
July 16, 2012
Drake’s Sale Has Begun
Drake’s sale has begun. 30% off ties, scarves, and handkerchiefs.
July 12, 2012
A Gentleman’s Guide To Grooming And Style
Bernhard Roetzel, the author of A Gentleman’s Guide to Grooming and Style, demonstrates a knot tying trick he learned from…