Everyday Style
November 1, 2017
How To Dress Like A Sports Fan Without Looking Like A Total Dingus
Have you been following the World Series? Serendipitously, the two teams wear uniforms on the opposite sides of the color…
October 26, 2017
Old School Cult Classic Sneakers
There are three types of sneakers that get discussed in menswear. One is the sporty basketball high-top, the other the…
October 25, 2017
The Casual American Look
When it comes to style, America’s best contributions have undoubtedly all been in casualwear. Even Brooks Brothers’ soft shouldered tweeds…
October 16, 2017
Ten Summer Essentials You Need This Fall
We all love fall for its weather. Or at least traditionally, as the cooler temps give us a chance to…
October 12, 2017
Praise The Cord: A Guide To Wearing Corduroy
Corduroy may well be one of the best fabrics of our age, threatening to even surpass tweed. As each…
October 4, 2017
What You Can Really Afford: Actual Workwear, Part II
What You Can Really Afford: Actual Workwear, Part II True workwear–as in clothes designed and worn to perform labor, from…
October 2, 2017
Stan Ray: The Heritage Brand Americana Missed
It’s been almost fifteen years since menswear became obsessed with all things Americana. And since then, it feels like no…
October 1, 2017
The Difference Between A $400 And $8,000 Suit
Buzzfeed is known for their formulaic, clickbait content, but this video comparing $400 suits to $8,000 suits is ……
September 28, 2017
What You Can Really Afford: Actual Workwear
Following up on Derek’s post yesterday about getting creative with a casual wardrobe based on workwear archetypes, I wanted to write a little about what remain some of my favorite brands, the ones that continue to make durable, inexpensive clothing for workers.
September 27, 2017
Buy Workwear: Building On Menswear’s Easiest Look
Every once in a while, we’ll get an email from a reader asking if we have suggestions on how to…
September 21, 2017
Fathering Your Whole Style: How Might Becoming A Dad Change What You Wear?
There are a few images that come to mind when I think of dads and style. There’s the Free & Easy “dad,” a…
September 14, 2017
But What Clothes Do You Truly Wear?
Most of us have more clothes than we need, and while there’s always that temptation to get more, the truth…
September 13, 2017
But What Clothes Do You Truly Wear?
Apparently, people in fashion are just like us. Despite having closets overflowing with options, most people in this business rely…
September 11, 2017
The Controversial Yellow Shirt
One of the wonderful things about classic men’s style is that anyone can look great, provided they have the basics….
September 6, 2017
Five Suggestions On How To Dress For A Heatwave
One of the things I love about living in the Bay Area is the temperate weather – winters never get…