December 6, 2016
Store Visit: Optimo Hats Chicago
There are precious few true hatters (and true hat shops) in America. Even most specialty hat stores sell cheap (or…
July 7, 2016
My Favorite Thing: Ricky Powell
My Favorite Thing is a column where Put This On asks stylish, interesting, and otherwise cool people to name their…
June 29, 2016
The Tailored Cowboy: Ansel Adam’s Personal Style
Art historian Reginald Howard Wilenski once said “all art is the expression of one and the same thing.” So maybe it’s no…
May 25, 2016
The Many (Casual) Hats Of Paul Simon
Hats have been on a long decline since the 1960s. It’s often said that John F Kennedy killed the hat…
January 27, 2016
Roll Your Own: Packable Felt Hats
Brimmed hats–potentially awesome, but among the riskier accessories out there (it’s been reasonably argued that dickbags and megadorks have tainted…
August 9, 2015
The Finest Panama In The World
A tip of our hat (which, at the moment is a sisal from Lock & Co.) to our reader Thriley, who…
June 17, 2015
Napoleon Treated His Hats Like We Treat Raw Denim
Emperor and noted pomp enthusiast Napoleon Bonaparte preferred his trademark bicorne hats bought new but didn’t wear them until broken…
May 20, 2015
The Milstil Guide On Caring For Your Panama Hat
Given Pete’s post yesterday on Panamas hats, I thought I’d direct readers to Milstil’s excellent guide on Panama hat care….
May 19, 2015
The First Straw: Entry-Level Panama Hats For Summer
The classic, brimmed hat is a fraught accessory in the post-every-guy-wears-one, ballcap age. Few would argue that Sinatra, or Neil…
May 5, 2015
Casual Hats For Summer Heat
I love baseball caps (watch for a new PTO cap in a few weeks, by the way), but sometimes at…
July 31, 2014
Watching A Handsome Dude Light A Hat On Fire
If you’re tired of shallow depth-of-field videos of self-aware artisans plying their repurposed archaic crafts, please look away. In the…
March 5, 2014
Incredible Embroidered Silk Nightcap
This incredible embroidered silk nightcap was worn by an Englishman in the middle of the 16th century. According to the…
November 21, 2013
How To Find Your Hat Size
Our new Put This On Ballcaps are fitted, and I’ve been surprised at how many folks don’t know their hat…
July 8, 2013
When Should You Take Off Your Hat?
It starts in a familiar way: I was in a nice restaurant, and there before me was a young guy,…
June 4, 2013
The Put This On Ballcap: Buy Yours Now
I’ve always been jealous of Yankees fans. Not only do they seem to buy their way into the World Series…