March 30, 2015
Half-Shorn Sheep, By Photographer Cary Wolinsky, 1986
Wolinsky explains the difficulty in capturing this image, to illustrate a National Geographic story on wool. It seemed easy enough….
May 24, 2012
Worsted Vs. Woolen Flannels
I love wool flannel, especially when it’s made into trousers. It never looks too slick or pushy, and even when…
October 26, 2011
How To Soften Wool
If you happen to have any wool knits that feel too itchy to wear, try this simple solution: Fill a…
June 22, 2011
Q And Answer: What Is The Meaning Of Numbered Fabrics?
An anonymous reader asks: Would you briefly explain the meaning of numbered fabrics (like super 150’s, 120’s, etc)? I’ve never seen…
February 9, 2011
Q And Answer: What’s The Difference Between Plaid, Tartan And Madras?
Michael asks: I have looked for an explanation of the difference (or relationship) between plaid, madras, and tartan. The results…
February 18, 2010
It’s On Sale: Pendleton For Opening Ceremony Zip-Front Shirt
$74 from $245 (only S remaining) or in a Black Watch colorway
December 22, 2009
Eight Days Of Style
Reader Lucy wrote to us to ask that we suggest eight super-basic, affordable Hanukkah gifts for her boyfriend “to replace…
November 2, 2009
Q & Answer: What Scarf Should You Buy?
Brett asks: I like a good scarf. However, I have no idea how to wear one in a way that’s…