August 16, 2016
Linked Up
One of the great pleasures of running the Put This On Shop is bringing home cuff links. I know men…
August 15, 2016
How Can I Make My Watch Cooler Yet Harder To Read: Shrapnel Guards
I’m less of a sporty Rolex guy than a vintage military watch guy, partially for style preferences and partially for…
August 11, 2016
“A Visor Is A Hat That Forgot To Wear Pants.”
A visor is a hat that forgot to wear pants. It has given up, has no respect for others or…
August 11, 2016
Special Guest Post: Knock-About Wear
These are my favorite pair of shoes, a pair of “handsewn one-eye mocs” from Lands’ End. Let’s be clear: they’re cheap,…
August 10, 2016
Our Huge End-Of-Summer Sale
Our vintage shelf is getting full, and there are new, amazing items coming in all the time – so we’re…
August 4, 2016
Rhea Butcher’s Comedy Hat
When Rhea Butcher started planning her first comedy album, Butcher, there was one question: what kind of clothing would accompany…
August 1, 2016
Inventory Clearance Flash Sale
We really need to clear some room at PTO HQ, so here’s the deal: you give us $150, you get…
August 1, 2016
The Crazy Tweet At Jesse Sale
Here’s the deal: I’m working from home this morning. I’ve got to take my son to pre-school in 40 minutes….
July 20, 2016
Elvis Mitchell – Making Public Radio Folks Proud
I’m often a bit embarrassed by the outfits on my public radio colleagues, so I want to take this opportunity…
July 20, 2016
Levi’s Have A Lifetime Warranty
Here’s something I didn’t know: Levi’s offers a lifetime warranty on their jeans. Now: lifetime warranty doesn’t mean that they’ll…
July 12, 2016
My Favorite Thing: Sid Mashburn
My Favorite Thing is a column where Put This On asks stylish, interesting, and otherwise cool people to name their…
July 8, 2016
Summer Treasures
We’ve been so concerned with the Summer of White Tees lately that we’ve forgotten to highlight some of the summer…
July 7, 2016
Blue & White Is The New White
I’d fallen into a rut lately. I was only wearing white linen pocket squares. Granted, I was wearing ours, which…
July 5, 2016
Modern-day Concerns
What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps one in a continual state of inelegance. Jane Austen in a letter…
June 29, 2016
Blame Solomon Georgio
I’m not perfect. I was too busy stopping people from saying amazeballs to prevent cargo shorts from coming back. Solomon…