In Case You Missed It
September 24, 2018
Building A Fall Wardrobe On A Budget
Fall is my favorite season for clothes — the materials are cozier, the outerwear more interesting. But if you’re just…
September 20, 2018
The NYT On Italy’s Invisible Labor Class
Ten years ago, you could ooh and ahh the internet with photos of bespoke clothes made with handsewn topstitches. Those are…
September 20, 2018
What’s Not In Your Wardrobe?
We often poke fun at the endless lists of “essentials” that are a cliche of men’s style magazines and websites….
September 19, 2018
Your Synthetic Clothes Are Hurting The Environment
Vox posted a great story today on how synthetic fibers in our clothing are winding up in the ocean. All…
September 17, 2018
US Trade Wars Hit Menswear
The US has been engaged in some bitter trade wars, but up until recently, the men’s clothing industry has mostly…
September 13, 2018
The Darker Dress Shirt
Summer is often a more daring time for clothing — for loud prints, short shorts, and unbuttoned buttons — and…
September 13, 2018
No Man Walks Alone X LuxeSwap’s New Trade-Up Program
We all have clothes in the back of our closets that haven’t seen the light of day in years —…
September 10, 2018
We Regret To Inform You That The New J. Crew Is Perfectly Fine
There’s been a lot off buzz over the new J. Crew that’s set to debut this fall, which is now…
September 10, 2018
How Small, Traditional Menswear Retailers Are Surviving
If you’re traveling and want to do a bit of menswear shopping, you have to trawl the internet for…
September 6, 2018
I Am Part Of The Resistance Inside The New York Times Style Section
Put This On today is taking the rare step of publishing a completely satirical and anonymous Op-Ed essay. We have…
September 6, 2018
Fall Sports: Track Jackets
Damon Albarn, rudely awakened by the dustman. I hesitated to write about track jackets. As synthetic, shapeless, valuing-comfort-over-appearance leisurewear, they’re…
September 5, 2018
Menswear Is Getting Political
The idea of “keeping politics out of x” has become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, in these highly charged times….