Ben Silver
February 4, 2014
Ben Silver Warehouse Sale
Ben Silver’s Warehouse Sale starts today and will last for two weeks. The discounts aren’t as deep as one might…
December 19, 2013
Polo Coats
Despite what people say, it doesn’t get that cold in San Francisco, at least not compared to places where it…
November 21, 2013
Staying Warm At Home
I recently moved into a new apartment, and like most homes in the Bay Area, the insulation is terrible. Heat…
October 31, 2013
The Soft Silk Knit
For as long as I’ve been buying silk knit ties, I’ve always preferred the crunchy variety – the kind where…
October 3, 2013
Shetland Sweaters For Fall
There was some confusion after my post yesterday on Shaggy Dogs, where some readers were unsure what’s the difference between…
July 10, 2013
A Very Useful Belt For Summer
As much as I enjoy the “coat and tie” look, it admittedly can look a bit too formal for certain…
June 27, 2013
Finding An Eyewear Case
It’s been unexpectedly wet and cloudy in San Francisco, but to prepare for what should be a real summer, I…
December 12, 2012
Consider The Silk Scarf
If you’re wearing a wool coat this winter, consider pairing it with a silk scarf. Silk scarves aren’t as versatile…
November 28, 2012
The Most Versatile Knit Tie
Jake over at Wax Wane already wrote about black silk knit ties this week, but I thought I’d give them another plug…
November 19, 2012
Thoughts On Buying Good Sweaters
The best time to purchase sweaters is at the end of the season, when the fall/ winter stock gets discounted…
October 18, 2012
Linen Sweaters
Linen sweaters can be very useful in the fall. They add an extra layer of protection without wearing too warm,…
October 15, 2012
Getting A Good Leather Belt
Belts are one of those things you can skimp on without looking too much worse for it. I wrote a…
October 1, 2012
Shawl Collar Cardigans
As legend has it, the original cardigan was invented for Lieutenant General James Brudenell, the Seventh Earl of Cardigan. He…
August 20, 2012
Shetland Sweaters For Fall
I have mixed feelings about Shetland sweaters. On the one hand, they’re itchy, scratchy, and not the most refined looking…
August 7, 2012
Ben Silver Warehouse Sale
Ben Silver just put their warehouse sale online. Ties are available for $67.50, pocket squares for $21.25, and shetland sweaters…