Current Events
January 28, 2013
If I Could Speak To My Younger Self
In my time as a man interested in men’s clothing and style, I’ve made many mistakes, some of them very…
October 25, 2012
Ivy Style At The F.I.T. Museum
I’m headed out of New York this morning, having taped a few episodes of Judge John Hodgman, enjoyed a San…
September 19, 2012
Classics For The Unsure And Indecisive
I was trying to decide the other day whether I should buy a certain pair of brogues from a Hungarian…
August 28, 2012
Andy Sullivan From Reuters Called Yesterday
Andy Sullivan from Reuters called yesterday, wondering what I thought of Paul Ryan’s style choices. The answer is that I…
August 22, 2012
The Simple Pleasure Of Wearing Clothes
Many menswear writers like the overload the simple topic of how men should dress with an unnecessary amount of complications….
August 15, 2012
Patterned (and Textured) Shirts
As long time readers may know, I’m a graduate student in his mid-30s, and I teach and study at a…
August 8, 2012
How To Wear A White Dress Shirt
M. Anton, author of The Suit, recently wrote an interesting post at StyleForum about how to properly wear a white…
August 6, 2012
The Navy Sport Coat Of Shoes
There’s no style of footwear more underrated or versatile than the dark brown derby. Derbys are shoes that have their…
July 30, 2012
A Bit Like Dressing A Home
There’s no macho way of saying this, but before becoming interested menswear, I was mostly interested in interior design. I…
July 16, 2012
Yellow Baggers
One of my favorite hyper-specific blogs, Yellow Baggers, covers only the East Coast clothing discount chain Daffy’s. Or did… because…
May 7, 2012
NYT: Amazon Plans Its Next Conquest: Your Closet
NYT: Amazon Plans Its Next Conquest: Your Closet Amazon’s getting serious about apparel, but it means stepping into a particularly…
April 3, 2012
How Clothes Affect The Way We Think
The New York Times has a great article about how clothes not only affect the way people perceive us and…
November 26, 2011
Images From Brooks Brothers’ 1896 Catalog
Above: Images from Brooks Brothers’ 1896 catalog, taken from a New York Times article about Brooks Brothers’ new Flatiron concept…
October 19, 2011
Scrimp, Save, And Shop Slowly
In the past week, I’ve been reading The Craftsman by Richard Sennett, a wonderful book that Bruce Boyer recommended to me…
August 17, 2011
The Real Value Of Classic Men’s Style
Marisa Zupan recently expressed concern that men are losing touch with the real reason they should be getting dressed up:…