Ivy Style
April 27, 2023
How The Pursuit Of Status Shapes Our Aesthetics: Talking With David Marx
Sometime around the turn of the 20th century, social theorists split into specialized fields. The area of political economy, once…
February 4, 2021
The Instagram Account Showing “Ivy’s” More Eclectic Side
Jonathan Wertheim is the one-man operation behind the popular Instagram account Berkeley_Breathes. Part anthropologist and part fashion curator, Wertheim spends…
December 6, 2018
Ivy Workwear Style Via Princeton University’s Beer Jackets
Members of the Princeton class of 1948. Note the white work jackets. A classic Seinfeld bit on helmets goes like…
October 31, 2018
Can Ralph Lauren Bring Back Prep?
Eighty years ago, it was possible for a man to buy the right wardrobe and be assured that he’d remain…
August 29, 2018
Style In The Open Era: Arthur Ashe In 1968
Tennis is one of the most stylish sports–it’s an individual competition, so players can largely wear what they want, rather…
April 19, 2018
Jason Jules On John Simons, Patron Saint Of English Ivy
In an age where everyone buys almost everything off the internet, sometimes from far-flung warehouses located in other countries, it’s…
November 8, 2017
Ivy Style Guys Are Bummed About Diversity
Christian at Ivy Style reports this week that LL Bean is trying to reach out to a more diverse demographic….
May 29, 2017
Are Tassel Loafers Only For Old Guys?
A few weeks ago, I saw my friend Agyesh, the owner and designer behind the Italian-inspired casualwear line Stoffa. Agyesh…
April 18, 2016
The Miyuki-Zoku, 1964
David Marx posted this great photo on Twitter today. Shown above are some members of the Miyuki-zoku, a 1960s Japanese…
February 26, 2016
The $375 Tweed Sport Coat
Christian over at Ivy Style gives a tepid recommendation for Orvis’ Highland tweed. Some of the gripes seem a bit…
November 5, 2015
When, Where, What To Wear, According To The Founder Of VAN Jacket
For Lapham’s Quarterly, W. David Marx chronicles the seep of Ivy Style into Japanese culture, an influence strongly pushed by…