July 19, 2019
Jazz Style Behind The Scenes: Photographs Of Milt Hinton
Good style rarely happens in a vacuum — you can build personal style, but when it comes to icon status,…
July 3, 2019
What To Do With Your Hands In Photographs
It’s tempting to make building style a mechanical exercise, especially when you first start paying attention to your clothes. Find…
May 17, 2019
Casual Vests: Okay Layer, Or Unarmed Slobbery?
“A man who wears a vest is a man with nothing up his sleeve.” -Ancient Banana Republic proverb We all…
April 19, 2019
Everyday American Style: 1970s Inspiration Via Documerica
Denim jackets, Chucks, and pool cues go together like teenagers and delinquency. Robert Johnson in coal-mining town of Clothier, West…
February 4, 2016
Why Street Style Is Interesting
Street style photography–that is, capturing interesting personal styles outside of professional, controlled, and styled photoshoot environments–has had an interesting few…
January 15, 2016
Christopher Payne: Textiles
Photographer Christopher Payne’s website features a remarkable series of photos of American textile mills and the people who work in…
August 11, 2015
Inspiration: Tailored Does Not Equal Formal
It’s not a new idea to wear tailored clothing (i.e., traditional, lapelled jackets, etc.) casually, in fact it’s been the…
March 30, 2015
Half-Shorn Sheep, By Photographer Cary Wolinsky, 1986
Wolinsky explains the difficulty in capturing this image, to illustrate a National Geographic story on wool. It seemed easy enough….
March 6, 2015
Don’t Be Satisfied With The Present
Bellamy Hunt is camera obsessed. Fortunately, he lives in Japan, where fellow obsessives are many, and the cameras they obsess…
February 10, 2014
Elliott Erwitt
Elliott Erwitt: another fan of Big Mac flannels. A photographer, Erwitt is a true contender for most interesting man in…
January 15, 2014
American Picker: Photographer Eric Kvatek
Although there’s something really satisfying about clothes organized neatly, clothing looks better in situ, and few people put interesting clothing…
September 19, 2011
Fashion Is The Armour To Survive The Reality Of Everyday Life
Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life. I don’t think you could do away with it….
May 18, 2011
A Roundup Of Camera Accessories At Archival Clothing.
A roundup of camera accessories at Archival Clothing.