November 19, 2012
Thoughts On Buying Good Sweaters
The best time to purchase sweaters is at the end of the season, when the fall/ winter stock gets discounted…
November 14, 2012
Why You’re Unlikely To Tell Between A Fused And Half-Canvassed Jacket
Tailor Jeffery Diduch, who maintains the rather illuminating blog Tutto Fatto a Mano, was nice enough to contact us a…
October 10, 2012
Check Out The Best
If you happen to live near a high-quality men’s clothing store, I encourage you to drop by it sometime, even…
September 19, 2012
Classics For The Unsure And Indecisive
I was trying to decide the other day whether I should buy a certain pair of brogues from a Hungarian…
July 26, 2012
Don’t Shop Aimlessly; Have A Plan
If I could only give three pieces of advice to a budding clothing enthusiast, they would be: find a good…
June 6, 2012
Smarter Sales Shopping
Everyone loves a good deal, but sometimes I wonder if men might not be better off if they weren’t allowed…
April 19, 2012
“Nice Stuff, But Not For Me”
One of the most important skills you can learn as you develop your own sense of style is how to…
April 11, 2012
Put This On Season 2 Episode 2: Thrifting With Street Etiquette
Put This On host Jesse Thorn goes thrift store shopping for menswear with Joshua Kissi and Travis Gumbs, the proprietors…
February 6, 2012
Strategic Frugality
If you’re just starting to build a better wardrobe, funds can be limited, so it’s good to know where you…
February 1, 2012
Avoiding Buyer’s Regret
When you’re shopping for clothes, there are probably a dozen or more variables to consider before you make a purchase….
October 18, 2011
Here’s A Tip
Try doing your shoe shopping after 3pm. Feet swell after a bit of walking, so by trying on shoes in…
August 3, 2011
How To Detect Bullshit
I’m almost always disappointed by the salespeople I meet when I go shopping. Most of them have been poorly trained,…
June 15, 2011
Plan Ahead
Almost every week, I get an email that goes something like this: “I’ve got a (job interview / wedding /…
March 19, 2011
Here’s A Thrifting Tip – That Works At Regular Stores, Too
One sign of a high-quality dress shirt is natural buttons. Plastic buttons are cheaper and more durable than mother of…
March 16, 2011
Yellow Baggers
If you’re in the New York area, the blog Yellow Baggers offers regular reports on what’s for sale at local…