April 1, 2015
The Secret Of Life In The Big City Is Wear A Suit
The secret of life in the big city is wear a suit, because you can take a shit anywhere. Folks…
March 30, 2015
Half-Shorn Sheep, By Photographer Cary Wolinsky, 1986
Wolinsky explains the difficulty in capturing this image, to illustrate a National Geographic story on wool. It seemed easy enough….
March 25, 2015
I Like Americans
I like Americans… They are the only men in the world, the sight of whom in their shirt-sleeves is not…
March 24, 2015
Real People: Another Take On Suits
Many men, myself included, find suits appealing in part because of math. Suits’ “geometry” and “proportion” are matters of measurement and…
March 24, 2015
I Play Until They Break Out. I Don’t Change Shoes Like That
“I play until they break out. I don’t change shoes like that. I could go 20 or 25 games. Maybe…
March 23, 2015
Ellen DeGeneres, From “Clothes I Have Regretted Wearing”
I boxed up my clothes, prepared to give them to Goodwill, and then thought, In ten years I might want…
March 18, 2015
Nick Bilton Brings Up One Of The Potential Downsides Of Wearable Tech
The New York Times’s Nick Bilton brings up one of the potential downsides of wearable tech (other than it looks…
March 17, 2015
10 Essentials For Spring
Rain Meaningless baseball Songbirds The general greening of things Cool mornings and comfortable afternoons Windows down, volume up Basking in…
March 16, 2015
Sprezzatura: From Castiglione To Marketing Copy
Writer and Princeton journalism professor John McPhee introduces his New Yorker piece on awareness of readers’ frames of reference with…
March 16, 2015
GQ April 1966
Posted mostly to note the subhead “Comeback: The Thirties Look” and the fact that 1966 was significantly closer to 1930…
March 12, 2015
Does Your Leather Jacket Wear You?
After Derek wrote about vintage leathers yesterday, we joked about dressing appropriately for your personality–that is, what if you look…
March 10, 2015
Seattle’s Jack Straw Opens Online
“In America the distance between wanting something and having it delivered to your living room is not terribly great.” -Gary…
March 9, 2015
Don’t Dress For The Job You Have…
Kenji Hall explores the carefully preserved world of yuru-kyara, the nonsports mascots of Japan, where every organization seems to employ…
March 6, 2015
Don’t Be Satisfied With The Present
Bellamy Hunt is camera obsessed. Fortunately, he lives in Japan, where fellow obsessives are many, and the cameras they obsess…
March 3, 2015
Dessert Boots
Werner Herzog and desert boots: I like and respect both, and did not expect them to come together the way…