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November 28, 2012
The Most Versatile Knit Tie
Jake over at Wax Wane already wrote about black silk knit ties this week, but I thought I’d give them another plug…
November 26, 2012
We Got It For Free: The Tie Bar’s Grenafaux
The Tie Bar recently released a line of solid-colored, textures silk neckties that vaguely resemble grenadines. These aren’t true grenadines;…
November 23, 2012
It’s On Sale: Best Of Black Friday Deals On Wardrobe Basics
Our list of Thanksgiving holiday sales and discount codes continues to grow and be updated. Black Friday deals are hard…
November 19, 2012
Thoughts On Buying Good Sweaters
The best time to purchase sweaters is at the end of the season, when the fall/ winter stock gets discounted…
November 15, 2012
J Crew Sale
Much of J Crew’s inventory makes it to their sale section, and much of their sale section gets discounted by…
November 7, 2012
Rugby’s Brushed Shetlands
Ralph Lauren announced last week that they plan to discontinue Rugby after this season. I admit many of Rugby’s offerings were a…
November 1, 2012
The Chunky Turtleneck
A friend of mine recently asked me if I knew of a good source for chunky turtlenecks, which reminded of…
October 25, 2012
For $50 You Can Buy …
Following on my “style for college students” post, I thought I’d suggest some “under $50” options that I think would…
October 24, 2012
Style For College Students
There’s no kind way to put this: college students are some of the worst dressed people in America. I say…
October 22, 2012
The Second Best Color For Flannel Trousers
I recently picked up a new pair of flannel trousers, despite having promised myself that I wouldn’t buy any more…
October 18, 2012
Linen Sweaters
Linen sweaters can be very useful in the fall. They add an extra layer of protection without wearing too warm,…
October 17, 2012
The WSJ On Pleats
The Wall Street Journal published a piece last week about the possibility of pleats coming back in fashion. Author Ray…
October 15, 2012
Getting A Good Leather Belt
Belts are one of those things you can skimp on without looking too much worse for it. I wrote a…
October 11, 2012
Sierra Trading Post
Sierra Trading Post has a some great deals on fall items right now. Remember that they regularly issue 35% – 45%…
October 8, 2012
The Internets Celebrities
My second favorite web series, after Put This On, is The Internets Celebrities. We featured Dallas Penn, one of the…