March 2, 2016
Chipp’s New Shantung Ties
Chipp Neckwear, the online accessories arm of Winston Tailors, is a great place to pick up a tie if you’re…
July 13, 2015
Get Rough With Your Neckwear
Everyone loves corduroy and tweed jackets in the fall – and the wool and cashmere ties that accompany them –…
April 8, 2015
[John] Never Went Anywhere Without His Pipe
[John] never went anywhere without his pipe. One day [he] was giving a talk and as he was about to…
October 28, 2014
Chipp’s Ancient Madder Ties
Our advertiser Chipp Neckwear just got in some new ancient madder ties. The silks are from Robert Keyte, the last English,…
September 15, 2014
Chipp’s New Matka Cloth Ties
We’ve been longtime fans of Chipp Neckwear, well before they became one of our sponsors. The reason is, simply, they…
September 4, 2014
Bolder Ties For A Less Boring Look
Bold ties have a bad reputation, and perhaps for good reason. In the 1940s, shortly after the war, wild tie…
August 11, 2014
The Very Useful Black Tie
One of the biggest fights in men’s fashion during the early 19th century was over the appropriate color of men’s…
May 8, 2014
Chipp2 Gets Some New Suspenders
Our friend Paul over at Winston Clothiers/ Chipp2 recently added suspenders to his small, but growing, line of men’s accessories….
February 26, 2014
He’ll Do Anything For Custom (But He Won’t Do That)
“But I don’t like to make a seersucker jacket or suit for anybody,” he said. “I’ll do it, but I…
December 3, 2013
Chipp2’s New Website
Our friend Paul Winston just revamped his website so that it includes his entire line of neckwear. No more trying…
November 18, 2013
New Chipp2 Ties
Our friend Paul Winston over at Chipp2 just got in some new ties. We think his grenadines are some of the best deals around,…
May 30, 2013
It’s On Sale: J Press Grenadines
J Press has been having a 25%-off sale for a while now, but they just put up a new four-day “flash…
March 28, 2013
$35 Lambswool Ties
I’d like to meet Paul Winston someday. As regular readers know, Paul runs the traditional clothiers business Chipp2/ Winston Tailors…
February 27, 2013
The Price Of Chipps
Paul Winston over at Chipp2 kindly gave us a heads up yesterday to say that the price of his grenadines…
November 26, 2012
We Got It For Free: The Tie Bar’s Grenafaux
The Tie Bar recently released a line of solid-colored, textures silk neckties that vaguely resemble grenadines. These aren’t true grenadines;…