August 15, 2016
How Can I Make My Watch Cooler Yet Harder To Read: Shrapnel Guards
I’m less of a sporty Rolex guy than a vintage military watch guy, partially for style preferences and partially for…
June 29, 2016
The Tailored Cowboy: Ansel Adam’s Personal Style
Art historian Reginald Howard Wilenski once said “all art is the expression of one and the same thing.” So maybe it’s no…
June 25, 2016
Jacobi Press, 1938
Rare pic of Jacobi Press, founder of J. Press, standing with his wife Jenny front of their Woodmont home in 1938….
June 10, 2016
The Story Behind Muhammad Ali’s First Bespoke Suit
One morning, Ali said, “We’ll go for a drive into town, I’ve got an appointment.” We drove to Mayfair, to…
June 6, 2016
Reigning Men: Men’s Style At LACMA
With in-laws babysitting a week or so ago, my wife and I headed to LACMA here in LA to check…
May 25, 2016
All Waistcoat, No Pants: A Partial Inventory Of Gustave Flaubert’s Personal Effects
A few years back, illustrator Joanna Neborsky brought to life a list of the Madame Bovary author’s things, catalogued shortly…
May 23, 2016
There’s A Lee Chore Coat In There Somewhere
Sometimes the internet can seem like an echo chamber of “inspiration”–the same images and stories posted and reposted until you’ve…
April 28, 2016
This Is A Jam Session
In 1944, LIFE photographer Gjon Mili decided to apply still photography framing and techniques to a short film documenting some…
April 11, 2016
Harry Truman: Haberdasher And US President
The New York Times has an interesting article about Harry Truman’s first career running a menswear store, as well as…
March 14, 2016
Is This The Last Zoot Suit?
We’ve written before about the Zoot Suit Riots, which weren’t exactly riots, but a widespread wildcat campaign by white servicemen…
February 1, 2016
Clean Living Under Difficult Circumstances: Mods In The 1980s
Paul Hallam was a young DJ and photographer during the 1980s mod revival (mod originated in the 60s). Mods were…
January 14, 2016
When You Arrange, You Fail: Style And The Art Of Fairfield Porter
If that seems like the start of an interminable essay, don’t worry; I mostly want to post some of Mr….
January 13, 2016
David Bowie’s First Stage Costume
How did you dress when you were 15? At that age David Bowie joined the Kon-rads as a saxophonist and…
December 3, 2015
Reminder: Gordon Parks Was Cooler Than You
You’re probably familiar with the work of Gordon Parks, whether it’s his photography (over a decade documenting America and Americans,…
November 24, 2015
Recalling The Old Abercrombie & Fitch—Well, Not THAT Old
As A+F embarks on rebranding itself in a post-Mike-Jeffries, post-cargo-short environment, writer Alex G. Frank examines his complicated affection for…