August 23, 2018
The Restrained 1970s: Paul Newman In The Drowning Pool
As eras recede into the past, it’s tempting to narrow our view of them. Thinking about how people dressed in…
January 17, 2018
How Seriously Daniel Day Lewis Embraced His Role In Phantom Thread
Vanity Fair has a nice article this week on how Daniel Day Lewis trained for his role in the new film…
August 4, 2016
“Weaving Shibusa” Screening
For readers in San Francisco, Self Edge is holding the world premiere of ”Weaving Shibusa” this Saturday. Directed by Devin Leisher, “Weaving…
October 8, 2015
Fall Inspiration And That Annie Hall Look
Maybe it’s because of the tweed jackets and plaid shirts. Or maybe it’s the soft colors in the cinematography. Whatever…
July 22, 2015
A Knife Life Trailer
Our friend Gianluca – who directed O’Mast, among many other things – has a new documentary coming out on G….
February 5, 2015
Kingsman: Turning Costumes Into A Collection
If you’ve been to Mr. Porter in the last few weeks, you’ve probably seen the new Kingsman collection – the…
January 28, 2015
Interview With Sacha Jenkins
Fashionista has an interview with Sacha Jenkins, the director of Fresh Dressed, a new film on the history of hip…
January 27, 2015
New Documentary On Hip Hop Fashion
Sacha Jenkins (of ego trip! fame) has apparently partnered with CNN Films to produce a new documentary on the history…
October 26, 2013
Films About Italian Tailors
The long awaited Men of Cloth film is premiering in New York next month. The film is about three Italian…
August 8, 2013
Clothes & The Quiet Movie Theater How To Gain Super Powers With Your Clothing Alone
– At the Movies with Anil Dash At least in my quiet corner of the internet, all anyone’s talking about…
February 16, 2012
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
I was watching The Odd Couple the other night, and I was struck by a question: why does Walter Matthau…
November 19, 2009
Clothes For The Differently-bodied Man
We get quite a bit of mail from men of unconventional stature asking us where to go and what to…