September 5, 2024
Riffing With Bruce Boyer
Having corresponded with Bruce Boyer for over ten years, I can tell you two things. First, he’s immensely kind,…
April 23, 2018
Ringo Loves His Suit
A friend who’s a Harry Nilsson nut shared this fantastic little song. It’s Ringo Starr singing a commercial for a…
June 8, 2017
Our Musical Taste Is Firmly Established In Our Teens–What About Our Taste In Clothing?
The music you like at age 14 is music you will probably like for the rest of your life. For…
December 6, 2016
What You Wear, And How You Move In It
Miles [Davis] used to say, ‘I can tell whether somebody can play or not by what they wear and how…
July 11, 2016
10 Summer Essentials: A Playlist
Our fall playlist was a hit, so we decided to do another for summer. This time, however, we reached out…
March 13, 2016
The Ensembles Of Miles Davis Epitomized Cool
The New York Times has an nice piece today on how Miles Davis epitomized cool – not just through his…
October 21, 2015
10 Fall Essentials: A Playlist
Turtlenecks, corduroy, brogues, OK, we get it; fall clothing is amazing. But I bet you already have plenty of sweaters…
October 16, 2015
Questlove On Age-appropriate Dressing
I always felt that if I dressed more distinguished, that would add age to me. But [in my 40s] I…
October 13, 2015
Refreshingly Level-headed Advice About Leather Jackets
“It’s hard for me to talk about the designer stuff, because on the one hand I wear it, and sometimes…
August 18, 2015
Famous Blue Raincoat
“I had a good raincoat then, a Burberry I got in London in 1959. Elizabeth thought I looked like a spider…
July 29, 2015
Own Michael Jackson’s Jacket
Auction house Nate D. Sanders is auctioning off a prototype jacket that was used to make the final double rider…
June 12, 2015
Poppa Been Smooth Since Days Of Underoos
The Notorious B.I.G. in a pink suit and black bluchers on the day he graduated from kindergarten.
May 21, 2015
The Changing Face Of Youth Subcultures
As anyone over the age of thirty knows, teens used to wear their taste on their sleeve. Punks dressed one…
May 16, 2015
Fresh Dressed
Fresh Dressed – a documentary about hip hop fashion – is due out on Vimeo next month. The film takes…
May 1, 2015
Raekwon Listing Some Of The Things He Considers To Be Fly International Luxurious Arts
Clear jets, Versace shower sprinklers, suede walls, Bally sneakers from ‘86, Brooks Brothers shit … Raekwon listing some of the…