February 13, 2014
Picking The Right Varsity Jacket
The endurance of the silhouette and styling of the letterman/varsity jacket is a little surprising to me. Trying to remember…
January 28, 2014
A Grand Rehabilitation
I have an old polo coat that I love. It weighs ten tons, is warm as all heck, and I…
December 19, 2013
Polo Coats
Despite what people say, it doesn’t get that cold in San Francisco, at least not compared to places where it…
December 2, 2013
There’s Nothing More Classic Than A Pea Coat
I bought my pea coat at a yard sale in Portland. I was in high school – maybe 15 or…
November 13, 2013
Deck Jackets
I probably should have anticipated this before I started a blog called Die, Workwear!, but as we get closer to…
September 3, 2013
Field Guide To Field Jackets
In the last couple weeks at Put This On we’ve set up midcentury utility- and sportswear as ideal for easy,…
August 15, 2013
Creating A Waxed Cotton Swedish Army Anorak
I enjoyed seeing Reddit user Manoucher’s process in creating a waxed cotton Swedish Army anorak for himself. It cost him,…
April 24, 2013
Harrington Jackets For Spring
As I’m traveling across the West, I’ve left one jacket unpacked for my trip: a Baracuta G9 in cream. I…
April 23, 2013
The Beaten Barbour
The jacket I wore most frequently this past fall and winter was my Barbour. I rewaxed it myself (a messy…
April 4, 2013
The Transitional Shirt Jacket
The weather’s still pretty chilly where I live, but in a month’s time, it’ll hit those cool temperatures that’ll remind…
March 28, 2013
London Fog: The Thrifty Trench (and Mac) Coat
Since spring technically started a week ago, that means it’s time to transition away from heavy wool overcoats toward coats…
November 15, 2012
Green Jackets
I think winter has arrived in some parts of the country, but here in Northern California, it still feels like…
September 10, 2012
Toad From To The Manor Born Wants You To Thrift Him A Polo Coat
Toad from To The Manor Born wants you to thrift him a polo coat.
December 26, 2011
Three Post-Christmas Sales
Brooks Brothers’ after-Christmas sale has started, and if you shop today, you get an additional 20% off. That puts the jacket you…
December 20, 2011
Q And Answer: What Size Overcoat Should I Wear?
William asks: If I wear a 38 regular blazer, what size overcoat should I be looking for? You should look…