In Case You Missed It
July 5, 2018
Bruce Boyer On His Life As A Style Writer
We’re big fans of Bruce Boyer. He’s one of the few style writers that connects clothes to culture, and can…
July 5, 2018
Where All The Fits Went: Inspiration On Instagram
With the amount of imagery mainlined into the eyeballs of the average smartphone user these days, it’s almost hard to…
July 2, 2018
What’s Going On With Congressman Jim Jordan’s Jacket?
The news has been covered lately with stories about Congressman Jim Jordan, a House Republican and founding member of the…
July 2, 2018
Three Small Ways To Look Better This Summer
I don’t love dressing for summer. The clothes are often less interesting; there are fewer opportunities for layering. The hard…
June 28, 2018
What Happens When Your Style Fave Is Problematic?
It’s often hard to separate the artist from their art, and why should we? A lot of the art we…
June 28, 2018
This Japanese Painter Bag Is The New Filson 256
If you’ve been reading menswear blogs for a while, there’s a good chance you have a dusty Filson 256 sitting…
June 26, 2018
Finding The Right Watch For Your Wardrobe
Even if they’re both into style, the online communities for men’s clothing and fine horology exist on different islands. The…
June 23, 2018
Getting Rid Of That Thrift Store Smell
It’s probably happened to you–browsing thrift store racks, you spy a diamond in the moth-nibbled rough. You grab it before…
June 22, 2018
Snap Shirt Snap Shot: A Visit To Rockmount Ranch Wear
For the most part, regional style in America is gone. You’re a little more likely to see prep styles in…
June 21, 2018
Get Ready To Pay Even More For Clothes
Breaking with previous decisions, the Supreme Court ruled today that states can require online retailers to collect sales tax, which…
June 21, 2018
Robert Geller Re-Releases Immigrant Tee, Profits To Benefit ACLU
Robert Geller is re-releasing his “Immigrant” tee this week, which is now entering its third run, and all proceeds from…
June 20, 2018
House Of Nutter, The Rebel Tailor Of Savile Row
The best books about men’s style are often social histories, but they’re few and far between. Thomas Girtin’s Nothing but…